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Writer's picturePastor Evan Palmer

Speaking Love With Action

This past Sunday, I took a quick trip to pick up Lucy’s mother in Thailand. My goal was to take care of her and ensure that she made her flights on time. I knew that communication would be rough as both of us never have a clue what the other is saying. She speaks Thai and I, of course, speak English. Every morning, she would say a few sentences in Thai, look at the clueless expression on my face, and then speak Thai again, but just a little bit slower this time, hoping I would eventually understand. I didn’t. I would respond simply, “Mai lou,” which means, “I don’t understand.” She would wave me off and then come back with several small dishes of food for me to enjoy. “Oh,” I thought, “She was telling me that breakfast was ready!”

In the airport, I asked her what I could get for her, and she would just shake her head to express that she didn’t understand. I left to buy a sandwich and a tall bottle of water to bring back to her. By the expression on her face, I could tell that it was exactly what she wanted in that moment. On the airplane, I couldn’t express how excited I was that she was coming, nor could I tell her what she means to Lucy and I. All I could do is give her an assuring smile, hold her hand, or give her a loving hug to speak to her through my actions. She got that message loud and clear.

As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” That is very true for us as a church body. Words expressing love often times are incomprehensible to the receiver until we are able to display our love through our actions. 1 John 3:18 says, “Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.”

This week, I encourage you to act on the love for others we so freely express in our church. Assure people of this love by just being there to help them, visiting with them, or providing for a need that you see in their lives.

May the Lord Richly Bless You,

Pastor Evan & Lucy Palmer

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